Round Top, Texas is a paradise for junk collecting girls like me. Twice a year they host the greatest open air market in the land. You can find anything under the sun here. And, if you like this sort of thing, you can spend days combing through all the goods. We're talkin' miles of highway lined on each side with tent after tent of antiques, trash, and treasure. This is the first time I've made it in years and man it did my gypsy soul good! But my time was limited, and I had my sweet Emerson with me, so I gave myself a set time limit and hit it, stroller and all! These are some of the interesting things I saw:
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She's two. She's unpredictable. She's destructive. She's very hard-headed (her Daddy's side;)) When she's angry, she's angry at me. And she's LOUD. VERY LOUD. When I imagined her there with me, in that place that's like paradise for a junker like me, all that kept running through my head was a picture of myself zooming through the crowd at break-neck speed, struggling to make it back to my car with all eyes on me as if a deafening noise was blasting impossibly out of the tiny princess in my stroller. A noise like a firehouse in a three alarm fire blazing a trail back to the safety and serenity of my car. But, lo and behold, she was awesome. It was like she was on an adventure and was loving every minute of the strange sights, smells, and sounds. She was a natural. A gypsy in training. So we tore through, never stopping long enough for her to even ask to get out of the stroller. She even took a nap!
Overall, the trip was a success and I was only there for three hours. I found a great looking peacock blue bowl
I'm such a junker, too, Lisa! I haven't been to trade-days in forever and I miss it. Dad used to take us to Canton every single month. We'd hit up all the trade-days and get free puppies every other yer it seems. One year, we got a cute little catahoula puppy with one blue eye. Turns out he was deaf but that did NOT keep me from yelling "WALLABY" (his name) all up and down the street looking for him. Poor pup. :) Can't wait to go junkin' with you!