Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Wild & Wonderful Days of Summer Are Upon Us

My kids are out of school and we are slipping into the wild and wonderful days of summer.  The river calls and soon we will answer with a day spent atop a tube lazily floating along soaking in the sunshine and the smell of sycamores.  That smell lives in my mind, restless to be awoken.  I look forward to many days spent exploring new swimming holes, hiking new hillsides, and warm evenings with friends.

Today I start a new regimen of yoga in the morning and running in the evening.  Every day will not be the same and I will not be hard on myself if I replace something with something better.  The important thing is I feel I now have the time to spend a bit on myself.  Part of the lure is the setting.  Most days I will practice yoga on the porch outside my bedroom while my babies sleep and the swallows work overhead at feeding their nestlings.  The sound of the cool creek below and the green of the trees and vines that surround me, give me my own nest in which I unfurl and flex, strengthening my core and nourishing my soul.

In the evenings, I will make my way down the rugged gravel ranch road that I call the Low Road.  Someday I will work up the stamina to take the road that climbs the hill, but for now...I am not too good to say the Low Road is the way for me.  My big dog accompanies me on my jaunt and brings me such joy and company.  I'm certain in his mind he is there to detect, protect and defend which is fine by me.  Together we will take in what the evening brings which could be wild turkeys, rabbits, deer, ferrel hogs, ducks, or the occasional blue heron, and there will always be wildflowers, butterflies and beautiful trees.  Every day will be a new adventure.  Along my route there is a spot, made by a previous owner, for meditation.  It overlooks a pond that serves as a watering hole for many of the fauna mentioned above.  I will take full advantage of that spot and stop there to be still for a moment and give thanks for the day.  Then I will head home to my family with renewed energy and a peaceful mind and heart.

1 comment:

  1. Very Inspiring, Sweet Lady. May God bless you with the stamina to maintain your new regimen as you take in an absorb all of His Glory.
