Get back to writing
Manage my time better
Re-committ to Eating Right for My Blood Type
Take my yoga practice to a deeper level
Start playing my guitar again
Organize and simplify
Seek out creativity and adventure
Host an art and creative living retreat
Take care of the ones I love
*** So glad to be back at the computer typing away on my little blog. I haven't even looked at it since the end of July and was so surprised to see that last month it had a record number of page views! I listed my intentions for this year and I am calling them intentions instead of resolutions because I truly INTEND to do them. Last year my resolutions defined and and guided me until I hit the holidays and it all went awry! I am excited to start a new year and filled with anticipation for what is to come. I know God has wonderful things in store for all of us and I intend to do my part in making things happen in my life and the lives of those whom I love so dearly! I made this list of intentions on the fly tonight, but have given most of them plenty of thought over the past few weeks. I will elaborate on these this month and look forward to sharing a new year with you!
Best intentions,
Outside Lisa
I love you my sweet, special, and oh SO creative friend! I believe ALL your intentions will come to pass! MMUUAAA, Chae